Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Aussie beans doubled for a short time

We have a small amount of Koonorigan beans to add to our stock of 100% Aussie beans. If you are keen to taste a bean that is harvested a little differently, now is your chance.

These K7's from Koonorigan were dry processed. Dried quickly to ensure the ferment didn't begin prematurely, the fruit from these healthy trees has had the benefit of the rich volcanic soils that surround the Nimbin hinterland.

Rudd Stimulus Package a poor cousin to coffeeprince MilkBasedBlend

The economic stimulus package announced by the Australian Prime Minister has been met with enthusiasm by shoppers across the nation.

Purchasers of the award winning "Milk Based Blend" coffee flooded microblogging site TWITTER with endorsements for the stimulating qualities of the freshly roasted bean.

Tim* from Narara said: This MBB rocks my world. The price keeps me coming back to buy from the roaster direct.....Kevin Rudd has the right idea but in terms of stimulus? I'll take coffeeprince's handouts any day!"

*not his real name

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Koonorigan Coffee Bumper Crop 2008

With 8 tonnes of bean safely stored, the folks from Koonorigan coffee are quietly confident they will be able to foster some good working relationships with roasters this year.

With two distinct soil groups on this farm and one cultivar, no irrigation and innovative processing we are excited about the preliminary results of our small test roasting. Cupping notes and more info to follow.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tim Adams Wins Australian Barista Champ 2009

Congrats to Tim on his win at Jupiters this afternoon.

Great to see a local country lad make the grade. Now for the World Championships!

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